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Market Commands

These are the available market-based commands that termcrypt has currently.

price | p

Get the latest prices of the current market.

search [query]

Search all market pairs for your query. An example is searching for bat and it will return all pairs beginning with or ending with BAT. You can also search here for pairs, so if you want to search for a future format the search like this: coin-perp/1231 otherwise, for spot, search like this: coin/coin.


Change termcrypt’s current pair to your input. This command automatically detects if the pair is a future and checks for it with the future formatting (-) rather than the spot formatting (/). This command does not support multiple dash markets like: BTC-MOVE-2022Q1.

orderbook | ob

Get a display of the current orderbook. It shows both bids and asks for the current pair with a depth of 10.